Welcome to Risinghill Marketing’s new website!
We’ve updated our site to be mobile and tablet friendly!
Some new features / information you’ll find on the site:
- We added this BLOG!
- We’ve updated the “Why Use Promotional Products?” page.
- New Videos
- New Research Documents
- We’ve added additional “Art Terms”
- The “Closeouts” page has been updated
- You can now login to a full featured “Company Store” and try all of the features.
- We’ve made it easier for you to “Join Our Mailing List.
- Keep up-to-date with the latest new items, theme items, and sales items!
- We’ve updated the “CMYK / Pantone Colors” chart page.
- We’ve also updated the “Pantone (PMS) color chart”.
- The “About Us” page has been updated with more details about our business.
- The “What We Do” page explains how we help our clients.
The goal of this blog is to maintain an open forum to discuss the benefits of Promotional Marketing!
Future posts will include:
- New industry statistics
- Industry News
- New Products
- Marketing tips
Please feel free to leave your comments and please share our site with your friends and colleagues.
Cheers! – Alan