Vector Artwork

Artwork that stores mathematical information about shapes and lines is called vectors. They can be scaled easily without producing the "stair-step" edges you will see in pixel-based (raster) images. They adapt to the resolution of any output device and are considered to be resolution independent. They are produced by programs like Adobe Illustrator®, Macromedia FreeHand® and CorelDRAW®.

Raster Artwork

Artwork and images that are defined by a checkerboard pattern, similar to viewing mosaic tiles. Raster images are limited by the number of pixels and cannot be enlarged without producing noticeably jagged, stair-stepped edges. They are produced by digital cameras, scanners, and can also be created by programs like Adobe PhotoShop and CorelPHOTO-PAINT (among others).

Spot Color

Solid, generally flat fields of color. Used for silk screening where a printer can lay down several solid areas of color to produce multi-colored artwork; also used to identify additional colors in a four-color process file or print job.

Color Space

Refers to the use of color in an imprint or graphic file. Defined for our purposes as spot color, no color, RGB or CMYK.


Colors defined as a combination of three colors red, green and blue to produce millions of other colors.


Colors defined using a combination of four colors cyan, magenta, yellow and black to produce millions of other colors; often refered to as four-color process.


The measurement of quality (pixel per inch in file or dots per inch in output). Low-resolution images may be as low as 72 dpi (or less). High-resolution images may be as high as 600 dpi (or more).




Pier 1


“Risinghill Marketing offers excellent, personal service and is able to turn orders quickly in a high quality way. In addition, they consistently follow up on every project to ensure in-hand dates are met on time and within budget. No detail is overlooked.”

Elizabeth Teer
Associate Engagement Specialist
Pier 1 Imports

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OUR CUSTOMERS SAY: “Risinghill Marketing offers excellent, personal service and is able to turn orders quickly in a high quality way. In addition, they consistently follow up on every project to ensure in-hand dates are met on time and within budget. No detail is overlooked.” Elizabeth Teer Associate Engagement Specialist Pier 1 Imports Read More...



“Alan Feigenbaum is my all-time favorite promotional products vendor. The qualities I initially valued haven’t changed in the 10 plus years I’ve worked with him.”

Eileen Bouthillet
HR Communications Director
Baylor Health Care System

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OUR CUSTOMERS SAY: “Alan Feigenbaum is my all-time favorite promotional products vendor. The qualities I initially valued haven’t changed in the 10 plus years I’ve worked with him.” Eileen Bouthillet HR Communications Director Baylor Health Care System Read More Testimonials



“Alan has furnished us not only with excellent products for our clientele, but has done so in a genuine, reliable and professional manner.”

Jane Siegle
Retail Services Manager
Texas Instruments, Inc.

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OUR CUSTOMERS SAY: “Alan has furnished us not only with excellent products for our clientele, but has done so in a genuine, reliable and professional manner.” Jane Siegle Retail Services Manager Texas Instruments, Inc. Read More Testimonials



“I have been dealing with suppliers of promotional products for many years and Alan is by far the best I have worked with!”

Sandra Hughes
Director of Purchasing
Ebby Halliday REALTORS

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OUR CUSTOMERS SAY: “I have been dealing with suppliers of promotional products for many years and Alan is by far the best I have worked with!” Sandra Hughes Director of Purchasing Ebby Halliday REALTORS Read More Testimonials

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